Thursday 14 August 2008

Isaac Hayes' funeral details released as family thanks fans

The funeral of soul icon Isaac Hayes volition be held this Monday (August 18), his family have said.

The singer was found dead on Sunday (August 10) at his Memphis home base, after manifestly suffering a stroke.

In a statement, the Hayes category said: "We have been overwhelmed with the outpouring of support and love from Isaac's dear friends, colleagues and fans from every corner of the world, and we give thanks each and every one of them for their kind thoughts and prayers.

"While he was an iconic figure to many, to us he was hubby, father and friend. We will of all time miss his love, wisdom, humour and the familiar comfort of his voice."

Hayes' son, music producer Ike Dirty, likewise paid protection to his father. Speaking to, he revealed that the two were planning to start work on a new Isaac Hayes album shortly ahead his death.

"I spoke to my forefather just lately about working on his album," said Dirty. "He was activated as though this were his start project. I want people to remember my father for the creative, soulful, inspirational force that he was to music and African American people. He was legendary and shared his wizard with the world.

"I also want to thank all of my peers and medicine industry colleagues who experience reached out to show their love and prayers. I'm sad, I'm angry, I'm happy all at once ripe now. I have so many memories of organism my father's son. Little things that make all the difference. Things that help me maintain right now. I can't be too sorry though. My father did great, great things as a musician, humanitarian, a father and a sinister man."

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